


Bug #3189

Add /blog/more-than-free-chatgpt-plus

Added by Ram Kordale over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Target version:
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Estimated time:
2.00 h
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same style as /blog/dont-know-a-term-used-in-the-video-chatgpt-cant-help-you

Title: More than just free ChatGPT Plus

[Content follows below]

Smart move to add ChatGPT Plus to your site. Different site owners and administrators have different reasons to do so. Some do it because it is cool. No doubt about that:) Some do it because they want to be very helpful to their users. All valid reasons! But, perhaps the most important reason is to ensure that you dont lose your hard earned users. For more on the problem and how we solve it, please see here. [here is a hyperlink to /publishers]

You may be curious. You know ChatGPT Plus costs a lot of money. How is it that we are giving this away for free? Frankly, we plan to do this only for the first thousand or so publishers.

We know that you will love it just because you can give your users ChatGPT Plus right on your site. We would love to get your testimonials.

But, more importantly, we are positive that your user retention will improve 3x to 7x, depending upon the complexity of your pages' content. We would absolutely love to hear about this!

For next steps, please email us your website url. We will send you two lines of Javascript to include in your head tag.

That's it folks!

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