Feature #2879
Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt API
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Create getPurpleLinksInfoExt api which takes the same input as getPurpleLinksInfo but makes the following changes in output:
1. changes in purpleLinkPhrases
-a. should contain only those with score > 0.8.
-b. should not contain duplicates.
2. changes in br2ir2:
-a. replace lurl with o-url
-b. remove score and similarityScore
Finally, please provide result as a list[s, list[sh,u]] if it exists or a null list [] if we do not have data for the input URL. s=purple link name; sh:section hierarchy; u=url.
Example output: s1,[sh11,u11],[sh12,u12, [s2,[sh21,u21]], [s3,[sh31,u31],[sh32,u32],[sh33,u33]]].