Feature #2667
Tweaks to 2618
ES matches search terms in section names, content etc based on settings.
With 2618 fix, when ES matches a section name, it removes results where the actual match is in section name at level D1 which is not at the deepest (leaf) level. This results in undesired user experience such as the example below.
Select 'Python 3 Doc: All' and search for "pop". No entries are returned. Ideally, 15 top entries should be returned.
So, the required change is as follows: instead of removing entries with match in non-leaf section name, move them lower in search result order.
For example, if there are results s1,s2,s3,s4,...,sk,sl,...sn. For simplicity, suppose all odd results have match in leaf section name and suppose n is even. Then, the results will be reordered to s1,s3,s5,...,sn-1,s2,s4,s6,...,sn. Note that ordering between all odd entries and even entries are maintained. However, all even entries are placed after all the odd entries. As usual, the top 15 entries from the above entries will be shown to the user.