Task #2064
Add occurrence % to BR2 line
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On the BR2 line in the annotated file, please add the floor(((totalOccurrenceCountOfKP/totalOccurrenceCountOfAllKPs)*100),0) as the first value after "BR2".
Before example:
data-intensive BR2 120 ^&* 0.904 115 ^&* 0.904
science, IR2P
After example:
data-intensive BR2 5 120 ^&* 0.904 115 ^&* 0.904
science, IR2P
where 5 is the added value. you may have noticed that it is actually 5%. however, there is no need to add the % symbol and increase the size of the file and more importantly storage on the server.
Motivation for this ticket: We are planning to point users to some purple links and invite them to click. Ideally, we dont want to point them to very obvious ones like 'object' or 'module'.