


Task #3122

Updated by Venmuhilan B over 1 year ago


 Create a cache caching named "BOOKID_BOOKSOURCE_CACHE" where key is documentProcessingId and value is BookSource "bookIdAndBookSourceMap" 
 (Here, bookId means documentProcessingId) 
 If the documentProcessingId is present in map 
      - get the BookSource from the map. 
      - log this message "getting book source-url from the Cache for the bookId : " and give the documentProcessingId 
      - get the ourl from datastore and store it in BookSource 
      - log this message "getting book source-url from the Datastore for the bookId : " and give the documentProcessingId 
      - update the value in map. 

 Handle the bookIdAndBookSourceMap during *overwrite/Delete*: *overwrite/link-Update(update)/Delete*: 
 For these scenarios, delete the entry for the documentProcessingId in bookIdAndBookSourceMap.
