Task #3822
Handle AI response issues in Colab 3772
Start date:
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% Done:
Estimated time:
0.40 h
It has been noticed that, AI makes the following 2 mistakes:
1. repeats clue numbers
2. has an extra "%$#" at the end.
Colab needs to be changed to handle these 2 issues.
More information can be found at https://teams.microsoft.com/l/message/19:wAG1hd8VEjPykYbnXjLNJLW0RsbZ2PjJq_MIZKf1HfE1@thread.tacv2/1742909926773?tenantId=004a3e40-29ae-4f76-934f-44d6f253b5be&groupId=a0742afc-5585-411a-b096-19e5388f6863&parentMessageId=1742827584719&teamName=RK-A&channelName=General&createdTime=1742909926773.
Updated by Shubham Boke 2 days ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Shubham Boke 2 days ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Review
- Assignee changed from Shubham Boke to Dewakar Chaubey