Task #3819
Support for questions with key value pair SubType:Proof
Start date:
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Estimated time:
0.30 h
When we have such a question:
Support in colab: 1. please do not generate choices. 2. create support for prefix-question-proof-answer and prefix-sub-question-proof-answer and use these when generating intermediate file.
Support in FE: Instead of allowing user to provide the answer, just say "Would you like a detailed proof?" (with clickable options yes and no) and provide the original answer (text and/or figure).
Updated by Dewakar Chaubey 4 days ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Review
- Assignee changed from Dewakar Chaubey to Parag Patil
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Parag Patil 1 day ago
- Status changed from Review to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Parag Patil to Dewakar Chaubey