Task #3815
Support for rk_print in 'colab 3772'
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Estimated time:
0.30 h
Many times, it is useful to know the contents of the Colab output cell long after the runtime has ended. By that time, the output is lost. Need support to retain it on google drive.
Add support for rk-file=<rk-file> in the input file.
If <rk-file> value is present, when a call rk_print is made, the argument should be appended to <rk-file> on google drive. Otherwise, print it to the output cell.
Replace all print statements with rk_print.
Some sample code from ChatGPT:
from google.colab import drive
- Mount Google Drive
- Define the path in Google Drive
drive_path = '/content/drive/My Drive/example.txt'
- Write the text content to the file in Google Drive
with open(drive_path, 'a') as file: