Bug #3705
Modify 'Create detailed QNAs and Answers' Colab
In https://colab.research.google.com/drive/14N0bH9RBm9lO28EuLXegA1BUzh4hDfXX, call_openai will return $$$---$$$---$$$$Detailed Answer: <Detailed Answer>$$$---$$$---$$$$ %---%---%%%Question:<Question>\nAnswer:<Answer>\n\nQuestion:<Question>\nAnswer:<Answer>...\n\nQuestion:<Question>\nAnswer:<Answer>%%---%%---%%%
Please modify the colab to handle this.
To help with this, please do the following.
- Mock the call_openai call to return $$$---$$$---$$$$Detailed Answer: Detailed Answer to <prompt>$$$---$$$---$$$$ %---%---%%%Question: Question1 \nAnswer: Answer1\n\nQuestion: Question 2\nAnswer:Answer 2%%---%%---%%%
- Store these in DS
- Demo should at least show FE do the following:
-- if detailedQNAs is present and user wants to see, show each of the detailed questions and answers.
-- if detailedAnswer is present and user wants to see, show it to them.
Updated by Dewakar Chaubey 8 months ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100